Bearing Witness: A Name & A Voice
(Director: Dina Jane Rudick)
Bearing Witness,’ a moving and emotionally charged short film, artfully crafted by journalist-turned-filmmaker Dina Rudick, offers an intimate exploration of the lives and convictions of four extraordinary newspaper reporters. Through their distinct life journeys and personal narratives, the film illuminates the profound motivations that fuel their work, as well as the indelible stories that continue to resonate within them. These intricately woven character studies compel viewers to transcend the superficial label of “The Media” and, instead, embrace a deeper appreciation for the inspiring and dedicated individuals who propel it forward.
The featured journalists have distinct life experiences and points of view, but their motivations overlap in that they feel called to bear witness – witness to unseen traumas, senseless violence, systemic injustice, and institutional moral rot. We learn about the stories they carry with them, why their witness matters to the lives they’ve touched, and by extension to all of us.
August 6, 2024